Free pdf Textbook
This text content has been transferred from my LabVIEW interactive version, edited, formatted with Figures, Tables, and Equations, and is now available for all to use. I incorporate this content into my subject on-line sites within our university Blackboard system, and the students gain from focused reading aligned to lectures, laboratory tasks, and assessment items. If you purchase the LabVIEW interactive version, you get access to all figures, tables, and photographs, as would the students through their own purchase.
The links below (sub-pages) direct you to specific sections of the book, and these pages provide the pdf content for the topic file within each section. Unfortunately, the Google html editor that comes with Google Sites is quite primitive. Thus, the pdf files attached within each Section page are listed in alphabetical order, as this was the only way to successfully link numerous attachments to this site. Thus, within each section page, I provide a list of the recommended order to present and read the material.
The same alphabetical issue pertains to the sections of this text. Thus, a list of the recommended order of the sections follows. The numbered list can also be seen within the image to the left. Note that Section 18: Thresholds, is currently in writing and I hope to have that added by mid-2015, followed then by sections such as VO2 Kinetics, Body Composition, Electrocardiography, Exercise Testing and Prescription, Clinical Exercise Testing, Strength Training, Endurance Training, Exercise Adaptation, Exercise At Altitude, Exercise and Thermal Stress, Exercise and Aging, Pediatric Exercise Physiology, etc.
I hope you get to use this resource and gain a great deal from the content. Note that the writing style and presentation are different to any commercially developed and published textbook. In doing all of this myself, without editorial constraint, I have been able to choose my own writing style and been free to use as many figures, tables, equations, and photographs that I thought necessary for optimal educational value.
I want to explain the writing style a bit more. I wrote this content as though I was having a conversation with a student. It is personal. There are occasional expressions of humor, and while written in a concise manner, I elaborate on certain topics that I know cause trouble in the mind of a student. My students who have used this material have provided valuable feedback, and I know that the writing style ingrained in this text stimulates interest and fosters learning in a unique way. I hope you experience this.
Recommended Sequence:
History of exercise physiology
Neuromuscular physiology
Metabolic design
Neuro-endocrine physiology
Phosphagen energy system
Glycolytic energy system
Mitochondrial respiration
Lactate production
Metabolic acidosis
Maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max)
Cardiovascular responses to exercise
Pulmonary responses to exercise